Artist’s Journal | What is a beginning?

When you start something new, is it the beginning of a new chapter, or the ending of another. Somehow it is both, but neither.

Grief consumes chapters, but so does joy.

Today I registered for private Yoga Teacher Training (YTT), something I first hoped to do nearly 20 years ago. Is this day the beginning of the next or the ending of the last?

I still have the first book I was ever given about yoga. That was over 26 years ago. Yoga wasn’t mainstream, it wasn’t on every corner. Most of the people I knew, didn’t even know what it was, and shortly after receiving the book, I stuffed it on a shelf to gather dust.

Six years later, I moved to California…(ironic now, in retrospect, I’m sure many yoga journeys start with “I moved to California”), but that wasn’t why I went, yoga wasn’t even on my mind. I went for an adventure, a job, a journey, yet yoga found me there, and so 20 years ago is maybe where this story begins…

But it’s not a story about a yogi, it’s a story about about artist, or a life, or perhaps the way we practice our craft and create our work…

It is rare that I publish writing without significant strategy, review, and editing, but it seems a journal is a first-draft, behind-the-scenes kind of experience. So here it is. The beginning, or the end, or the middle…